
Showing posts from June, 2024

New CHS Scans with Volunteers

 Since late May (the past 3 weeks) we have scanned 147 new CHS items.  (new scans of old items). Colrain Village  #586 The "we" refers to me (Dave) and two new volunteers, Jade Mortimer and Nina Reyes. This brings the total scanned items to 812 out of 2554 items in the database. ( Some items are multi-page, so the actual number of "scans" is much higher, but here the word "scan" refers to one item, whether a single page/sheet  or several. Also, many single sheets are scanned both sides.). The scanning is done in my office where I have 4 scanning machine setups. Jade and Nina are comfortable with computers so, after some training time, they are now good fits for the task. This link has all 147 items in Airtable.  To browse through all, select the tiny diagonal lines field on left side of one line.  A larger screen will pop up.  Then use the arrows in upper left. SOME HIGHLIGHTS: #586 (above) is a cut-out image of the village in 1839 from the John Warner B