Work Bee #3 Wednesday Match 6

Wednesday June 6  WORK BEE  at the Pitt House:
Belden Merims, Prentice Crozier, Sarah Hollister, Dave Allen, Guy and Debby Wheeler and Gail Johnson   1-4:15

Debby and Gail cleaned the front hall and the dining room,
floors especially.         What a difference that makes!

Guy and Dave removed the Refrigerator (to the outside front porch).






Guy assembled a second wire shelf rack and put it in Kitchen

Belden numbered two large photo albums of 1990s "village fairs" so the photos can be removed from the sticky plastic albums.

Prentice removed frames from several Pitt photographs and filed prints into archival folders fir future scanning and storage. This frees up wall space and storage space.

Sarah and Dave cataloged a few more large framed prints  (Numbered and photographed) for storage upstairs.

Gail reviewed and labelled 20 + "Women's Relief Corps" ledgers found on Library shelves.  These will be numbered and added to database next week.

Sarah installed a new office desk "caddy" to store pencils, tape, staplers etc.

================== There will be a 4th session next week =============

A week ago Bill Cole suggested more interior pictures would be useful online, so here re a few more.  You can see this is an active (and thus not so neat) working historical historical society...

Office below:










Breakfast Room:



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