Airtable Database Basics for CHS

Simple Airtable   Sept 2024 click on highlighted:

Then click on "filter " (upper left)  and set it up so "Description contains gavel"


Airtable Database Basics
   for Colrain Historical Society.
There are over 2500 items in the CHS database, using "Airtable" , an online database program. As set up now, it is not very "user friendly", but you can access it at home.  BELOW is what you should see:

============ QUICK SEARCH =====================
Search using the magnifier in upper right.  This is a very limited search feature though, exact words only.  IIn the example, "chicken" finds 3 records. The first record found will be highlighted.  The down arrow leads to the next.  (the "4 cells" means that "chicken is in one of the records twice).

======FILTERS are best way to Search=============
You can use filters as alternative to "quick search". You can choose which columns to filter by, and have many options on how to filter. For example, to find all Photos in Box 15, you would filter "Object" by "photo" and "Location" by "Box 15".

Note that Filters are only available when using a computer and are unavailable on mobile devices.


Airtable is set up with "VIEWS".   "GRID-ALL" is the main view which has all the records. But 2500 + items is a bit daunting.... So, we have set up custom VIEWS for our convenience. The panel on the left side has Groups of Views like SUBJECTS  &  LOCALES.

 Let's try SUBJECTS VIEWS -  about ten of these now.

If you select  "inn" in the SUBJECT  views  you will see 51 Records on the Inn.  (The number count is at the bottom of the View.)

 To EXPAND a record, hover over the leftmost column of a record and click when you see Expand"

See EXPANDED record below: (A Colrain Inn family member had an airplane business out west.).  To see more, you can scroll further down.

 Click on an image to see it larger.  If you can't read it, you will need to "download" the image to your computer ("download" in lower right corner).

More Later =======================================

In February 2024 it is being "hosted" by Dave Allen on his "Old Maps"  business' Airtable account.  The monthly fees are almost nothing as long as the files are on Dave's account so they are not paid by CHS.  At some point, CHS will need to take this over, and may want to move the data to more sophisticated software.....


  1. Such a wonderful addition, will be enjoyed by so many more people..


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