Archival Tasks for Volunteers

A FEW  Possible Volunteer  Tasks:

1 --   1392   Photo Album 1997 - Number each page with Sharpie
                                - Identify & label the people in the Village Faire Album on Post It Note
                                 - pack away for future "bust apart" and scanning   **** DONE ****

2 ----- 1390   Photo Album 1996 Village Fair      "      "          ***** DONE *****

3 -----  List all the articles in the 200th Anniversary Newspaper Supplement.  This 10-page item has dozens of separate articles on Town history.  A simple list of each article, author, size (eg "2 columns") would make this item more useful.  CHS Item # 1065.   We have an extra print which someone could take home.....

4 ----- Photograph the 1963-70 scrapbook before it decays any more. 

This appears to be a very thorough record of news clipping - perhaps most of them (?) - in local newspapers for 7 years.

Scrapbooks are often of low value, but in this case, it probably deserves special care. There are (guess) 100-200 pages.

TASK:  1)  Paste up a few clippings found loose (perhaps 20-30) onto 8/12 x 11 pages and insert into scrapbook.
              2) Number each page in lower right  corner.
              3)  Photo graph each page with an Iphone.
Time ??  Perhaps 3-4 hours>
Benefit to the volunteer:   You preserve an interesting compilation of Colrain History, and you get to see all the old articles...



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