New Scans: 21 items ... Diaries etc ... Doc Box 14b

 Feb 18, 2024 - dave allen

This week we scanned 21 items in Document Box 14B - a small archival box with 15 diaries, 2 autograph books, and 4 other small booklet items.

We have 8 diaries by a "C.N. Carpenter" from 1866-1897. Most of his diary entries are quite "dry" (boring !), with daily weather reports and lines like "went to Greenfield". But taken as a whole, this set would be good for a future researcher to look into the life of one Colrain man who lived a long time ago. 
One diary is a 1909 from "R. Taylor" .  Below....Who was he?  
During World War 2 (and after) Winifred Lincoln of Shelburne Falls kept 2 very detailed 5-year diaries. Her daughter married Colrain's Reuben Donelson.  Together the dairies span 1940-1947. Each page in a 5-year diary has all 5 years on the same sheet.
On July 4th 1941 she went to the 4th of July parade in Shelburne Falls, but the next year there was no parade due to the war.

Note (above) that it snowed in Greenfield on July 5, 1940.
Winifred's diaries have extra sheets folded within, such as the note below showing that she won a prize at Newells Hardware:   (item #2181).

And, in February of 1947, this cryptic Note:
What did he do?

One final note on old diaries:  19th century diaries like the "boring" Carpenter diaries are being used by climate scientists today to study historic weather patterns.
Doc Box 14B  also has 2 autograph books.  Each has been scanned completely.  One , Item3631, appears to have belonged to a teacher, and contain signatures of students.

If so, what teacher and where.  Perhaps Adamsville?

To see the Autograph Book (all pages scanned) and the diary scans in Doc Box 14B,
click here


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