Bacon a Cure for Scarlet Fever?? ... # 3634

Just found in the CHS, a 1889 cookbook from the First Baptist Church. Lots of recipes, and this:  "...remedy for Scarlet Fever...patient must be rubbed morning and evening over the whole body with a piece of bacon ....
That was just a headline-grabber ... The old Colrain cookbook has lots of normal recipes.

The item includes recipes, as you might imagine, including quite a number using old-fashioned ingredients (salt petre, powdered rhubarb), or made in extravagant amounts (100 pounds of meat??), or with names of bracing directness.

But it also features a section devoted to treating ailments with a variety of concoctions. And also with just plain bacon.

Both local and far-flung businesses
advertised  goods, services and ... what on earth is this?

A promise as bold as many of the recipes!

Click here to read the 1889 Colrain Cookbook 


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