Curators - Barn Day 2

 Nina and Jade did a major cleanup up the Exhibit Room in the barn (room closest to road) on Friday the 11th.

All floor, walls and ceiling were vacuumed and the window was washed.  Some floorboards near the doorway were noted to be in need of replacement.
The three hour effort included thorough cleaning of the two smaller glass cases so they can be used for temporary storage as we excavate various objects from the barn.

Glass case #2 (left) got some objects. The small bookshelf was wiped down. Stacks of exposed books were sorted and packed into storage boxes (right side in pic).  An uncovered box of Town Reports was cleaned, sorted and put into a single covered box.  A listing was made of all the Town Reports so this batch can be compared with the large shelf of Town Reports in the library,   These "book" boxes should probably be moved to the main house....

This stalwart team had another crack at the barn today, the 18th.    News to follow ....  WOW !
D. Allen


  1. Wow, yes! Beautiful. I think the town reports were extras, doubling those in the library,, but it bears checking. I think the books were previously slated for discarding.


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