CHS Database Links Feb 2025

d. allen  Feb 25, 2025

Colrain Historical Society Database  Links   - Feb 2025
(these links are to "Gallery" views of the Airtable database)

1 :   a few short selection Views:   (these include records without images)
|Database "Griswoldville"       (see #666 murder trial (1867) notebook by lawyer)
Database "Colrain Inn"
*** More Selection Views to be added later... ***

2:   a large selection view:

Database - 1575 Records with Images

We have more than 2500 items in the database, but only 1575 have pics, so this link only covers records with images.  This will be easier to play with for you the reader.

Instructions for using the large selection of 1575 records:

After you open the database, note the upper left corner- "Filter  and  Sort"

Let's try Filter:

When you click on Filter, select "Description", and type in "contains"   and then "soldier" (eg)

After this you will see all of the records with "soldier" .  These are "cards" arranged in a Gallery.
Now click on a card, and an enlarged "record" will appear. (below)
Now click on one image to enlarge. result=below.
The tiny two boxes below the pic indicate that there are 2 scans, as does the large arrow to the right (not Click on the large right arrow to see the 2nd image.  Result below:

This is the back side of the photograph.  We always scan both sides to preserve notes like this.
Now go back to the 1st image.  If you are an Apple user, you will be able to zoom in to see the saldier's face.  PC users can not, unless they Download the image. see the "Download" in lower right corner.

Download takes the image and puts it on your computer.  On my PC computer the image gets put into a folder called "Downloads" buried on my hard drive, after which I must open it with my PC's image view software. 

That's it for now



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