Pitt House Inventory Project

 Pitt Collections Inventory Project

We are cataloging the Mt. Pitt's personal collections from the Colrain Historical Society collections, even though all belong to CHS and are stored in the Pitt House.

We began to inventory the Pitt items, such as paintings in the bedrooms, in early 2024, followed by a more systematic organizing of other objects and papers, which is ongoing.  Prentice and Nina, with helpo from Ellen, are handling this effort.

Each inventoried item is photographed / scanned as we add it to the database.  There are 590 items listed to date. This is in a separate "table" in the CHS Archives database.

Gallery Link to Pitt objects

Pitt Collections Database - 590 items
Each item has a number, based on its found location, such as "at-01"  for attic.

Front Hall Items


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